Our Services


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Green Certifications


Not sure which certification program is right for your project?  Let’s talk!  We will review your project and recommend the best fit for meeting your funding and jurisdictional requirements.  We can also guide you towards incentive programs so you won’t unknowingly leave money on the table.

Click on a logo to learn more.

Supplemental Services

Additional technical consulting and diagnostic services are targeted to meet the specific needs of multifamily housing projects.

Our Service Area

We manage certifications for both affordable and market-rate multifamily projects throughout Maryland, DC, Delaware, Northern Virginia, and Southern Pennsylvania.

Pando Alliance is credentialed as a WBE/MBE/DBE/SBE in Maryland, Baltimore City, and Prince George’s County.  Our MDOT credential is also registered with PHFA and Virginia Housing.

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What Our Clients Say

Pando Alliance provides comprehensive consulting and green rating services in support of LEED for Homes and LEED for Homes Midrise projects.

Unlike other LEED rating systems, Homes requires in-unit inspections and testing to confirm that the project’s design has been fully implemented.  This careful attention to each resident’s living space enhances occupant comfort and improves building durability.

LEED for Homes Midrise projects no longer have a height limit, so any residential building is eligible to pursue this residentially-oriented rating system.

1550 First Street, SW

A green home begins with ENERGY STAR® blue.  Pando Alliance is proud to provide rating services to certify new homes and apartment buildings for the ENERGY STAR label in compliance with strict requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Every ENERGY STAR certified unit starts with an efficient building envelope and includes efficient lighting, appliances, and equipment, as well as a fresh air ventilation system for improved indoor air quality.  Units are field verified throughout construction to ensure quality performance.

Pando Alliance works with the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes, ENERGY STAR Multifamily High Rise, and ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction programs.  Pando was heavily engaged in the development process of the newest of these programs, ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction.

City Arts 2

The National Green Building Standard (NGBS) is approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).  This program offers paths for both new construction and renovation projects.

The NGBS program is administered by Home Innovation Research Labs, an independent, third-party research and testing agency formerly known as the NAHB Research Center.

With thousands of units certified to date, Pando Alliance works extensively with the NGBS program.  Most of our staff holds the NGBS Green Verifier credential and we are proud to have a Master Verifier, one of only a handful nationwide.

The Jordan

Every DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) begins with solid building science specified by EPA’s ENERGY STAR Certified Homes, and then adds advanced technologies and practices from DOE’s world class research program, Building America.

Compared to a typical home, an ultra-efficient Zero Energy Ready Home is inexpensive to operate. In fact, ZERH homes are so energy efficient, a small solar electric system can easily offset most, or all, of its annual energy consumption.

Projects pursuing ZERH are inspected and rated by our certified HERS Raters in conjunction with  ENERGY STAR Certified Homes inspections.

Palmer Park Meadows

Shorthand for the Passive House Institute US, this advanced building standard bears no resemblance to the over-glazed passive solar homes of the ’70s.

PHIUS+ is the most forward-thinking building energy standard in the world, offering the best path to net zero and net positive energy buildings by minimizing the load that renewables would be required to provide.  A successful certification requires meticulous attention to design and construction details.

Pando Alliance has two certified PHIUS+ Raters and a PHIUS+ Verifier on staff, all experienced with both single and multifamily projects.

Gaddy Residence Passive House

luxury architecture

Enterprise Green Communities offers certification paths for new construction, substantial rehab, and moderate rehab projects.

With a unique emphasis on resident health and emergency preparedness, Green Communities is tailored to meet the specific needs and interests of affordable housing projects of all types.

As a Green Communities Technical Assistance Provider since 2011, Pando Alliance has managed the certification of all types of Green Communities projects.  We provide comprehensive project administration services paired with energy consulting and rating services for a cost effective and streamlined certification experience.

Riverwoods at Denton
Phases 1, 2, and 3

Clean air is good for everyone’s health, but it can be especially important for sensitive populations such as children, seniors, and pets.  Indoor airPLUS (IAP) builds on the foundation of ENERGY STAR Certified Homes, providing additional construction specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants.

IAP compliance is a prerequisite program for DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Home, as well as PHIUS+.  LEED for Homes offers points for IAP-certified projects.

The Preserve at Red Run